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Monday 18 January 2016

Almond Cookies

This recipe was originally shared by Daniel Leong, and is also a variation from the Peanut Cookies  I made last week.

*yields 70 cookies

150g SR flour
60g icing sugar - sieved
80g chopped almonds
80g ground almond powder
100g corn oil
1/2 tsp vanilla essence

Eggwash: 1 egg yolk + 1/2tsp water + 1/2 tsp oil
Some sesame seeds to sprinkle


  1. Preheat oven to 160C and lined baking tray.
  2. Mix flour, sugar, chopped almond & almond powder together.
  3. Add in oil & vanilla, and mix together.  The mixture will appear crumbly.
  4. Using a round teaspoon, press the dough into the spoon, then push on the edge of the dough, and it will glide out from the other end (see illustrations here).
  5. Apply eggwash and sprinkle some sesame seeds in the enter of each cookie.
  6. Sent to bake for 15mins.
  7. Leave to cool completely on cooling rack.

After shaping.

Apply eggwash and sprinkle sesame seeds in the center.

Baked and packed!

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