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Monday 11 January 2016

Kueh Bahulu

Another great option as CNY goodies.  I don't have the baking mould for this so made them with mini paper liners instead.

Adapter from Nasi Lemak Lover.

*yields about 50 small cakes

3 eggs
100g caster sugar
35g cake flour
70g SR flour


  1. Preheat oven to 200C.
  2. Place 2 mini liners together (so that the liners can support the weight of the batter), and put them on the baking tray.
  3. Sieve both flours together, set aside.
  4. Beat egg & sugar together until attain ribbon stage.  Took me about 10mins on medium speed.
  5. Change to low speed on mixer, then add in sieved flours.
  6. After removing bowl from mixer, fold in few times, to be sure all the flour is well incorporated into the batter.
  7. Fill up batter into paper liner.  I filled them almost full to get the nice hump.
  8. Send to bake for 10-12mins, or until top turn golden brown.
  9. Once baked, leave to cool completely.

Original recipe from Nasi Lemak Lover

Fill the liners almost full with batter.

Baked and nicely packed!  They look so cute!

Just a bit bigger than a one dollar one :)

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